29 March, 2012

early spring
the evergreen

Lafayette, Colorado

28 March, 2012

a tree with pink blossoms on one side
and white on the other

Erie, Colorado

27 March, 2012


Lafayette, Colorado

26 March, 2012

waxing crescent winds

Lafayette, Colorado

25 March, 2012

spring sun haze

Gunbarrel, Colorado

24 March, 2012

sheep sheep
sheep sheep sheep


Boulder County, Colorado

23 March, 2012

brown sugar

Lafayette, Colorado

22 March, 2012

six tiny anthills

Lafayette, Colorado

21 March, 2012


Lafayette, Colorado

20 March, 2012

lonely stars

Lafayette, Colorado

19 March, 2012

the last day of winter
one dandelion

Lafayette, Colorado

18 March, 2012

½ clouds
½ stars

Lafayette, Colorado

17 March, 2012

at winter's end
a dog barks

Lafayette, Colorado

16 March, 2012

cool moonless

Lafayette, Colorado

15 March, 2012

the raccoons scream
no moon

Lafayette, Colorado

14 March, 2012

Theres a slight breeze on this sunny spring day.

I was here a year ago, this week.

The city had conducted a controlled burn of the cattails. It was a black, charred mess, and there was a lingering smoky smell.

They haven’t done a burn this year.

Today, many of the golden stalks are matted down from being dried and broken, weighed down with snow for the past few months.

I hear a lot of birds in the trees; I dont see much activity.

The water level is low. I see several mated pairs of mallards on the water.

            the shining green of the mallards head in the sunshine

            just days before spring
            one fall leaf still on the tree 
            a couple of crows

Greenlee Wildlife Preserve, Lafayette, Colorado

13 March, 2012


Lafayette, Colorado

12 March, 2012


Lafayette, Colorado

11 March, 2012

honeybees return to the hive
bags full

Lafayette, Colorado

10 March, 2012

quiet moon

Lafayette, Colorado

9 March, 2012

at winter's end
two hawks circle

Lafayette, Colorado

8 March, 2012

midnight geese

Lafayette, Colorado

7 March, 2012

Full Worm Moon
an owl hoots

Lafayette, Colorado

6 March, 2012


Lafayette, Colorado

5 March, 2012


Lafayette, Colorado

4 March, 2012 № 2


Lafayette, Colorado

4 March, 2012


Lafayette, Colorado

3 March, 2012


Lafayette, Colorado

2 March, 2012

stars above
the fog

Lafayette, Colorado

1 March, 2012


Lafayette, Colorado

29 February, 2012


Waneka Lake Park, Lafayette, Colorado

28 February, 2012


Lafayette, Colorado

27 February, 2012

a Northern Flicker at work on a tree

Lafayette, Colorado

26 February, 2012

Mars, Jupiter, Venus
& Earth

Lafayette, Colorado

25 February, 2012

the wind howls as the crescent moon sets

Lafayette, Colorado

24 February, 2012

[the red flash of a Northern Flicker]

Lafayette, Colorado

23 February, 2012


Lafayette, Colorado

22 February, 2012

Ash Winds Day

Lafayette, Colorado

21 February, 2012

high wind chime warning

Lafayette, Colorado

20 February, 2012

bright white
sun snow
          — the wind

Waneka Lake Park, Lafayette, Colorado

19 February, 2012

two rabbits, frozen


Lafayette, Colorado

18 February, 2012

snow on the couch
on the front lawn

Lafayette, Colorado

17 February, 2012

sunlight sparkles
on rivulets of melted snow

Lafayette, Colorado

16 February, 2012

so cold
— but the stars!

Lafayette, Colorado

15 February, 2012



Lafayette, Colorado

14 February, 2012

the cold
the stars

Lafayette, Colorado

13 February, 2012

the days are getting longer
Jupiter & Venus

Lafayette, Colorado

12 February, 2012

the squirrel's nest

Lafayette, Colorado

11 February, 2012

the yellow moon

Lafayette, Colorado

10 February, 2012

“the blue hour” —
Jupiter and Venus

Lafayette, Colorado

9 February, 2012

the blue snow sparkles in the moonlight

Lafayette, Colorado

8 February, 2012

at sunset
blue shadows in the snow

Lafayette, Colorado

7 February, 2012

a disc of ice floats in the birdbath

Lafayette, Colorado

6 February, 2012

midnight snow
           the white sky

Lafayette, Colorado

5 February, 2012


Lafayette, Colorado

4 February, 2012


Lafayette, Colorado

3 February, 2012

the snow falls
the faint moon

Lafayette, Colorado

2 February, 2012

the first flakes of the blizzard

Lafayette, Colorado

1 February, 2012

bark bark bark
bark bark
tweet tweet tweet

Lafayette, Colorado

31 January, 2012

the waxing half moon
& two stars

Lafayette, Colorado

30 January, 2012

in the wind
little brown birds feast on seeds

Lafayette, Colorado

29 January, 2012

intersecting contrails
             daytime moon

Lafayette, Colorado

28 January, 2012

moonlight breaks through the clouds

Lafayette, Colorado

27 January, 2012

the dogs bark

Lafayette, Colorado

26 January, 2012

thinking of cicadas in January

Lafayette, Colorado

25 January, 2012

Orion in the tree branches

Lafayette, Colorado

24 January, 2012

                   a dusting of snow
the dim solar lights

Lafayette, Colorado

23 January, 2012

through the window
Christmas lights in the fish tank

Lafayette, Colorado

22 January, 2012

a skein of geese

& two

Lafayette, Colorado

21 January, 2012

        the wind chimes

Lafayette, Colorado

20 January, 2012

a squirrel finds
        the big wad of white fluff
        blown by the wind

Boulder, Colorado

19 January, 2012

(high winds trigger the security lights)

Lafayette, Colorado

18 January, 2012

wind chimes : Jupiter

Lafayette, Colorado

17 January, 2012

a tree full of stars

Lafayette, Colorado

16 January, 2012

      after snow

Lafayette, Colorado

15 January, 2012

          for a moment

Lafayette, Colorado

14 January, 2012

(the Broncos lost)

Lafayette, Colorado

13 January, 2012

      the waning moon

Lafayette, Colorado

12 January, 2012

coyotes howl on moonlit plains

Lafayette, Colorado

11 January, 2012


Lafayette, Colorado

10 January, 2012

snow in the forecast
/ the first flake

Lafayette, Colorado

9 January, 2012

          on the frozen lake
1,000 geese

Waneka Lake Park, Lafayette, Colorado

8 January, 2012 № 2

(three frozen honeybees in the moonlight)

Lafayette, Colorado

8 January, 2012

the 4th quarter
Full Wolf Moon

Mile High Stadium, Denver, Colorado

7 January, 2012

a heron flies : big flakes

Lafayette, Colorado

6 January, 2012

purple ring around the waxing moon

Lafayette, Colorado

5 January, 2012

a flock of seagulls, for real

Lafayette, Colorado

4 January, 2012

       hot pink sunrise
a rooster

Lafayette, Colorado

3 January, 2012

January honeybees

Lafayette, Colorado

2 January, 2012

         at the end of the street
a mountain

Lafayette, Colorado

1 January, 2012

                New Year’s Day
the empty birdbath

Lafayette, Colorado

Published in A Hundred Gourds 3.1, November 2013

31 December, 2011

the hoots of two owls
in the church parking lot —
New Year's Eve

Lafayette, Colorado

30 December, 2011

partly Orion

Lafayette, Colorado

29 December, 2011

a sudden gust
             black sky moon

Lafayette, Colorado

28 December, 2011

warm winds melt
December's snow —
ch   i    m  e      s

Lafayette, Colorado

27 December, 2011

crescent moon
the frozen lake

Waneka Lake Park, Lafayette, Colorado

26 December, 2011

full of clouds
          the Big Dipper

Lafayette, Colorado

25 December, 2011


Lafayette, Colorado

24 December, 2011

           Christmas Eve
a lone seagull

Lafayette, Colorado

23 December, 2011


Lafayette, Colorado